After receiving writing No. 38 / CV-CML-QLDA dated 27/6/2018 of My Loi Bridge Investment Limited Company, negotiating the cost of construction index for tender packages from MLXL01 ÷ MLXL10, MLXL12 of the project The construction of My Loi Bridge (Km34 + 826.00 – Highway 50) in Long An Province and Tien Giang Province in the form of BOT contract, Ministry of Construction has sent a letter to My Loi Bridge Investment Limited Company.

My Loi bridge
Accordingly, the methods and calculating bases the cost of construction index such as the determination of the cost of building materials index, construction labor, the cost of construction machine index for construction of bidding packages from MLXL01 ÷ MLXL10, MLXL12, Investment project construction My Loi Bridge (Km34 + 826.00 – Highway 50), Long An province and Tien Giang province in the form of BOT contract by Southern Institute of Economic Construction – The Ministry of Construction has announced in writing No. 163 / PVKT-CSG dated 15/12/2015 that there are enough legal bases in line with the regulations on management of construction investment costs.
The method and input database to calculating the cost of construction index in accordance with Circular No. 02/2011 / TT-BXD dated February 22, 2011 of the Ministry of Construction guiding the determination and announced the cost of construction index.
The construction price indexes set out in the appendix to this document only apply to the adjustment of the contract price (local currency) of the bidding packages from MLXL01 ÷ MLXL10, MLXL12. Investment project on construction of My Loi Bridge (Km34 + 826.00 – QL50) in Long An province and Tien Giang province in the form of BOT contract.